Integration Test

Integration Test

  1. Copy hybrid serivce jar files into docker service folder

  2. Go to light-eventuate-4j root folder, run docker-compose for event store:

cd light-eventuate-4j docker-compose up

The docker compose will start docker images for eventuate event store: – zookeeper –kafka –mysql

  1. Run services:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-service.yml up

This command will start command and query side hybrid services

  1. Test on command side to create and publish events:

Use postmand, set post request:

URL: http://localhost:8083/api/json

content: { “host”: “”, “service”:“todo”, “action”:“create”, “version”:“0.1.0”, “title”: “ this is the test event from postman “, “completed”: false, “order”: 0 }

  1. Test on query side to subscribe and process events:

Use postmand, set post request:

URL: http://localhost:8082/api/json


  "host": "",


The event will be subscrible and processed by saving to local TODO table and will get by query side service and send back in the resposne:

{ “message”: [ { “0000015c7e109e77-acde480011220000”: { “title”: “ this is the test event from postman”, “completed”: false, “order”: 0 } }
